f I said this sentence after student's performance, the kids will 1. give me a massive proud smile 2. Jump up and down 3. High five me 4. said YES YES YES 5. or said suspiciously "really? are you sure?" That's right. Very rarely I have nothing to say. I always have a lot of things to say. In fact, too much to say. Sometimes even after you produce a second note. I will stop immediately and say "are you kidding me?""What the hell is that?!!" I am very big on technique. When you have very solid pitch, very ringing tone colour and strong chest, head voice and a well blended mix voice, you can do your expression freely because you are fully equipped. Every year I have year 12 kids finishing HSC music, by the time trial is coming, all I said is "I have nothing to say. There is nothing more I can do to make it better. You have sung the best you can do and it's amazing." The kids always end up having very good HSC performance results. The technique is solid, the good voice is there, the interpretation and the performance level is high. Singing is a subjective thing, everyone's taste is different but if I have nothing to say about your performance anymore, you are going to rock that HSC. HSC kids, all the best . You are already rocking it. There is nothing more I can say. It's just that good. Comments are closed.
September 2024