I wrote this post in Chinese originally and was very popular with overwhelming responses. Then I thought the Aussie parents need to see this too. So here it is. I don't have kids so at times I feel parents are just bizzare human species. They always said that they don't expect their kids to be professional performers, they just want to build up the kids confidence. (In fact, 100 percent of parents who come to me said that casually and easily). Hahaha. I just have to laugh and I will tell you why. The other day I heard another friend asking me in a very puzzled way. He said " Susie I sent my daughter to speech & drama and singing for two terms but it didn't work! She still talks softly and still so timid. (Oh dear. You have no idea how hard I roll my eyes hearing that). OK guys. Let me ask you a question, are you a confident person? If you are, tell me where your confidence comes from? And if you are not, why are you expecting them to be confident? If there is a teacher out there, that you can send your kids to and they suddenly become very confident after a few lessons, then I will close my studio immediately and quit teaching all together. I will even pay you for your talent of finding such a teacher. Let me explain. There are many ways to build up the confidence of the kids. Firstly, Confident parents produce confident kids ( not guarantee. But if you are not, kids are 100 percent won’t be. That I promise you ). There is no place that you can just send the kids to, spend the money and the kids will become confident as a result. Think inward first. Act within and be the person you want them to be. Even if you find the right teacher, it's very important that the personalities and rapport between the teacher and the kids work well together. The quickest way for the kids to build up confidence is to slowly guide them out of their comfort zone. It's bases on the strategy of the teacher, but most important of all, it bases on the trust, the rapport and the hard work from both sides. Slowly conquer all the task and becomes better and better. My English was quite bad before there is no way I can do public speaking well. The result of my constant public speaking win now is due to continuous goal setting, the right strategy and ongoing practice and practice. Slowly you will start to see results. And the more good results you get, the more confidence you develop. It's even more true when it comes to the kids. Secret confidence that imprint in them is what we want to see. It's even more useful to use the power of friends. I use social media or any opportunities to make them know each other. Instagram can be powerful when you see how people you know sing it. It's motivation unconsciously. There is no place that all you have to do is to spend money and can see result directly. Especially areas related to confidence, mental health or inner strength. It's a team work. And you are part of the team too parents. In fact, be a confident parent first and be supportive without being bossy. That's the best way to be for all of us. #bethepersonyouwantthemtobe #outofcomfortzone #hardworkmakesitperfect #begoodatwhatyoudo
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September 2024